Read this post on my new site at!
I'm listening to the Canada geese flutter and honk out back on the mill pond. They are making their plans to share the water, the air, the shore. Won't be long before the season changes again. Up here in the studio, I feel it too.
The summer was full of blue and white, inside and out.
My work table is heaped with pieces of dyed remnants.
I stitched up a new bag from some of the pieces I indigo dyed and repurposed the strap from a bag I wore out. And it's just what I hoped it would be.
It has been such a sweet summer with my family and friends. I didn't get to tell you about Mo and Matt's wedding, the delightful June retreats with Jenn McGlon and August Wren. Betsy's first birthday. (Maybe you saw some images over on Instagram.) Thank you for staying with me here though.
Vermont life is so good. I am grateful every day to be here!
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